Drainage area of the Upper Sangamon River is 1,150 square miles.
The Upper Sangamon Watershed is located in central Illinois and encompasses large sections of McLean, Champaign, Piatt, DeWitt, Macon, Christian, and Sangamon Counties. The river also reaches within small portions of Shelby, Ford, and Logan Counties.
Stevens Creek & Spring Creek
Flood Risk Review Meeting
The information below is for historical reference. The Discovery process for this watershed is complete and the data is considered archival.
Action Discovery Material
February 2015
Updated Discovery Report for Upper Sangamon Watershed (PDF)
Upper Sangamon North Action Discovery Map (PDF)
Upper Sangamon South Action Discovery Map (PDF)
Areas of Mitigation Interest (AoMI) Dataset for Upper Sangamon Watershed (ZIP)
August 2014
Macon County Action Discovery Map (PDF)
Decatur Action Discovery Map for (PDF)
Mitigation Action Form for Upper Sangamon Watershed (fillable PDF)
Discovery Meeting Material, March 2011
Discovery Map for Upper Sangamon Watershed (PDF)
Upper Sangamon Watershed Discovery Database (ZIP)
Discovery Map Data Layers (PDF)