The Illinois Integrated Water Information Center (IWIC) in the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois will be an interdisciplinary collaboration between Illinois state, federal and local agencies on water related issues including climate variability and related social and environmental justice considerations. As outlined in the 2022 Illinois State Water Plan, the State Water Plan Task Force is working to establish and fund this center to be a library of water science-based information and technology accessible by Illinois’ decision makers, program managers, emergency managers, community officials, home and business owners, and the public. IWIC would serve as a centralized location for water resource related information including, but not limited to, the following:
2022 Illinois State Water Plan Figure 7.3 - Potential Water Resource Information to be Housed in IWIC
In addition to being an informational hub, the IWIC would connect available resources to stakeholders, impacted individuals, and decision makers through outreach and education efforts. Multi-lingual assistance would also be provided by IWIC to water related state programs and associated outreach efforts.