WHAT is a Flood Risk Assessment?
A Flood Risk Assessment aims to create information in order to better understand and estimate the real impacts of different flooding events. This project will map and analyze flood damage risk on a structure by structure basis. Structure specific survey information will help estimate the amount of risk an area should face in the event of a flood. This Risk Assessment will send surveyors in and around your community to map and document properties in the floodplain, and their potential risk for flood damages.
WHY are we undertaking this project?
The impacts of flooding vary greatly from extreme events that cause severe damage across communities to smaller flooding events that cause nuisance flooding more frequently. Estimating the depth of inundation for different scenarios can help community planners and homeowners determine the best solution for flooding issues.
WHAT impact will this project have on you and your property?
Over the course of the project surveyors will be sent to your community and onto and around your property to survey and document your property’s potential flood risk. Surveyors will be clearly marked and will carry ID, they will bring surveying equipment with them. They will also be using photography equipment around your property to assist with the creation of a structural flood risk inventory. There will be no impacts to your utility services.
WHAT information are surveyors collecting?
Surveyors will be acquiring first floor (front door sill), lowest entry (window vent or crawl space, and typical ground elevations on your property. This specific information will help estimate the potential flood threat and damages to your home or business.
WILL I be able to obtain an Elevation Certificate (EC) using this information?
The data collected is not to the standards required for use on an Elevation Certificate, however the information can be used as a screening process for properties where it would be appropriate to obtain an EC.
WHEN can you expect to see surveyors on your property?
Check the “Schedule” page for regular updates on when to expect surveyors in your community.
Peoria County: Andrew Braun 309-495-5189
Rock Island County: Greg Thorpe 309-558-3751
City of Ottawa: Mike Sutfin 815-433-0161
City of Moline: Shawn Christ 309-524-2050
If you have any questions or concerns about suspicious activity on or around your property, or in the case of emergency please dial 9-1-1 to contact your local police and emergency services.